Australia > Sydney > El Guapo Cantina Bathurst

El Guapo Cantina Bathurst


24 Young Street, Sydney, 2089 –
Neutral Bay, Sydney

Spaces for hire at El Guapo Cantina Bathurst

Entire Venue
Whole venue
95 seats
100 standing
El Guapo Cantina stays true to traditional Mexican style, serving deliciously simple food in a traditional way. We’re a family-owned Cantina and our goal is to serve you like you were in our own home. At this place, you can organize various events. The maximum capacity of the space is up to 100 guests. Contact us for more details!

Wi-Fi available
Conference call facilities
Air conditioner

Explore other spaces in the area

24 Young Street, Sydney, 2089
Public transportation
Public transportation
  • Bus Pacific Hwy at Walker St 1.7 km
  • Bus North Sydney Station, Blue St, Stand D 1.8 km
  • Bus North Sydney Station, Blue St, Stand F 1.8 km
  • Train North Sydney 1.8 km
  • Train Milsons Point 2 km
  • Taxi North Sydney Station Taxi Stand 1.7 km
  • Parking Woolworths Neutral Bay Customer Parking Entrance - 62/74 Grosvenor St, Neutral Bay 100 m
  • Parking Grosvenor Lane Carpark - Grosvenor Ln, Neutral Bay 150 m
  • G Cooper Hotel Brokers 200 m
  • Apollo Lodge 550 m

Prices and opening hours

12:00 pm – 9:00 pm
from $55 per person
Entire Venue
12:00 pm – 9:00 pm
from $55 per person
5:00 pm – 9:00 pm
from $55 per person
Entire Venue
5:00 pm – 9:00 pm
from $55 per person
5:00 pm – 9:00 pm
from $55 per person
Entire Venue
5:00 pm – 9:00 pm
from $55 per person
5:00 pm – 9:00 pm
from $55 per person
Entire Venue
5:00 pm – 9:00 pm
from $55 per person
5:00 pm – 10:00 pm
from $55 per person
Entire Venue
5:00 pm – 10:00 pm
from $55 per person
12:00 pm – 9:00 pm
from $55 per person
Entire Venue
12:00 pm – 9:00 pm
from $55 per person

Facilities and catering options

Up to 100
Up to 95
In-house catering
Parking available
Alcohol provided
External catering allowed
Accommodation available
Promoted / ticketed events
BYO alcohol

About El Guapo Cantina Bathurst

Locals gather on the street corners of Mexico, surrounded by the aromas of smoky grilled meats, chilies, spices, freshly made tortillas, and beautifully roasted vegetables.

These family-run cantinas and stalls bring the community together for the love of simple yet delicious food.

Customers say that El Guapo Cantina's Mexican food here in Bathurst is as good and as close as it gets to being just as good as Mexican mom's home cooking...


At El Guapo Cantina Bathurst, the following catering options are available:

  • In-house catering service is available
  • Free on-street parking is available

El Guapo Cantina Bathurst is located at 24 Young Street, in the Neutral Bay, Sydney district of Sydney.