Letter from Tagvenue Co-Founders, 2022

5 mins read
Letter from Tagvenue Co-Founders, 2022
Written by: Tagvenue
May 13, 2024
5 mins read

We are at the beginning of a new chapter in Tagvenue’s history.

The events industry is evolving, and so is our company. To reflect all of those changes, we knew that it was time to refresh our brand. But it’s about more than just a new logo. With a renewed energy powering our mission – to help people find venues for any event they can imagine – we are moving steadily towards a fully digitised venue booking process.

Striving towards efficiency

When we started our company in 2015, we didn’t have a big dream of revolutionising the events industry and changing the world. What we did have was a handful of frustrating experiences with booking event venues (Max) and an obsession with making all aspects of life efficient (Arthur).

Back in the day, there were many accessible platforms for booking accommodations, but if you wanted to secure a good event venue, you had to rely on an agent. We found the lack of access to this insider knowledge unfair. It also seemed highly inefficient that you had to visit each place in person in order to make sure that you were getting the right venue for the right price.

Our goal was – and still is – to bring justice to our customers and make the venue booking process as easy and transparent as possible. That’s why we decided to build an entirely new kind of venue marketplace.

We always wanted to create a business that can bring happiness to people. We certainly started off on the right foot: the first-ever event booked through Tagvenue was a kid’s birthday party with a professional clown to entertain the guests. Since then, we’ve helped our customers celebrate countless more occasions.

Right now, we bring people together for over 30,000 events every year, enabling them to find a space where they can laugh, bond and make lasting memories.

Why we’re rebranding

A lot has changed since we first started out on this journey – which is why our brand needed a little refresh, and not just in terms of its visual identity.

The entire events industry has been moving towards digitisation, and the Covid-19 pandemic has only accelerated this process. Today, Tagvenue is among those at the forefront of this change.

Our rebrand connects the dots between where we’ve been and where we’re heading. Our core mission remains the same – to enable people to find the best venues in their city for any kind of event. However, we are now putting even more emphasis on simplifying the booking process as much as possible and building a venue finding platform that’s intuitive and easy to use.

Our goal is to enable global customers to benefit from our simple solutions. We’ve established our position as an industry leader in the UK and are continuing to grow our business in other global markets. Tagvenue is now available in five more countries – Ireland, Australia, Singapore, Canada and the United States.

Now 300,000 users visit our platform every month and are able to browse nearly 11,000 venues – and the number keeps growing. With all of this growth comes responsibility and we are setting the bar high for ourselves with our new brand. We’ve already mentioned our obsession with efficiency – now it has become even more crucial to our strategy.

To us, the new logo stands for freshness, simplicity and technology. It symbolises our dedication to creating tech solutions that answer real problems. We are focused on crafting a delightful user experience for our customers by continuously refining and fine-tuning our platform. User feedback plays a huge role in this process – we don’t just invent features we think the users want; we listen to what they tell us.

Tagvenue is yours as much as it is ours, and we’re building it together.

Who stands behind our brand

Exceptional products and services need an exceptional team behind them. As we embark on this new chapter, we are grateful to be surrounded by colleagues who not only share our vision but make it their own. As the company grows, it becomes less about the founders and the original ideas and more about the team who take up the reins and drive those ideas to new heights.

We are proud of the culture we’ve created with our team. It’s more than beer and pizza Fridays (which we do have, by the way) or catchy slogans to put on our careers page – it’s about the values and behaviours that our employees share. Tagvenue draws curious, focused and responsible individuals who truly own their work, thrive on honest feedback and back up their claims with evidence and data.

Our company is growing fast, and so is our team. We don’t just mean increasing from a handful of employees to a team of over 80; we mean the growth of each individual employee. We provide fast development to our rising stars, enabling them to learn, solve challenges and forge their own career paths. Nobody who comes into this company leaves the same.

The world is changing faster than ever and there are new risks and challenges around every corner, but having such amazing, like-minded problem solvers by our side makes us happy to wake up and go to work each morning.


Every event booked through Tagvenue and every positive review left by our customers shows us that we’re fulfilling our fundamental mission of helping people find venues for any type of event they’re organising. But we’re not stopping here.

So, what are the next steps for Tagvenue? Right now, our two main goals are:

  • Delivering a stellar online booking experience;
  • Enabling our tested solutions worldwide.

Based upon the feedback we receive from our users, we are constantly working on implementing new tools to make the booking process ridiculously easy for both parties – the customers and the venues. Creating a next-generation online booking experience is our top priority.

While we keep improving and innovating the platform for our existing users, we are also focused on bringing the Tagvenue experience to more and more customers worldwide. We’re excited to be able to reach so many new places, bringing the joy of stress-free events to people all over the globe.

We can’t wait to see where the new chapter takes us and we’re happy and grateful that we can share this journey with you.

— Max Kondratjuks & Arthur Stepaniak

Read more about Tagvenue’s rebrand:

Tagvenue Blog
Company News
Letter from Tagvenue Co-Founders, 2022