How to Score the Best Deal at a London Bar: Insider Tips from Venue Managers

6 mins read
How to Score the Best Deal at a London Bar: Insider Tips from Venue Managers
Written by: Jaya Ramchurn
June 25, 2024
6 mins read

Hey party planners, if you’re throwing your first bash or 10th soirée in LDN, getting the best deal at a London bar can be as tricky as keeping your tea hot during a foggy Thames cruise!

At Tagvenue, we believe booking should be transparent, easy and rapid, which is why we’ve gathered actionable tips from our expert venue managers to help you snag the best deal at some top London watering holes.

1. Choose Off-Peak Dates and Times

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Heist Bank, Paddington

Time matters! It’s no secret that booking times and dates for any event are crucial. For the best deals, consider booking your venue during off-peak times.

Caroline Powell, Events & Sales Manager of Heist Bank, suggests opting for weekdays, Sundays before bank holidays, or periods between Christmas and New Year when venues are less busy and more open to negotiation.

Sophie Tucker​, Operations and Marketing Manager of The Lucky Pig, recommends booking during school holidays as these dates are usually cheaper and are less busy than term time. She also adds not to rule out a Sunday, Monday or Tuesday as many bars can get late licences till 4 am for any night of the week.

Alternatively, you can consider day hire, which often comes with a lower minimum spend than night-time bookings.

💁🏽‍♀️ Expert Tip: Ask venue managers if you can book the bar for your event on closed days. The hire fees tend to be lower on these days. Sophie Tucker

2. Plan Ahead

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Exhibit Bar, Balham

There’s no such saying as it’s too early in the event planning world. Sophie stresses planning well in advance, as popular venues can book up more than a year ahead.

Ellie Millington, Head of Sales and Events of Exhibit Bars, highlights the importance of making venue enquiries as early as possible.

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3. Venue Setup and Location Considerations

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Lucky Pig, Fitzrovia

While you might be thinking, “I’ll just muddle through with what I’ve got,” the reality is that the venue’s setup and location can either make your event a success or a flop.

If it’s too far away, people won’t bother coming. If it’s too cramped, everyone will feel uncomfortable. Here’s what our event experts have to say.

Location Matters

Pick a bar that is easily accessible for your guests. Ellie mentions how selecting locations well-served by multiple transport options, such as the tube, train, bus, and taxis, is necessary for any event. 

Check Event Images

Choose venues that display a variety of event setups in their imagery, as this indicates their experience in handling specific events.

“Venues with several table plans and setups will be used to doing these events day-in, and day-out, so you just know they will be looking after you on the night,” says Ellie.

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Consider Venue Setup Flexibility

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Kraft Dalston, Dalston

Taking the venue setup into account before proceeding with the booking is another essential factor to consider in Caroline’s experience.

There are flexible spaces with different entertainment options and room setups to fit every budget. Some bars allow multiple rooms to be booked so you can host a dinner party in one room and a meeting in the other, making it cost-effective to host multiple event types under one roof. 

Amy van Niekerk, Venue Manager of Kraft Dalston, suggests booking bars with private rooms as these usually have a private bar with a bartender dedicated to your guests, so service will be excellent.

4. Leverage On-Site Catering

Always ask for food and drinks packages. Normally, these come at a reduced rate rather than ordering individual items on the day-of. Many bars offer on-site catering with discounted packages for large groups.

 Amy suggests pre ordering food and drinks for a smooth service and better rates for your event. 

💁🏽‍♀️Expert Tip: Check out budget-friendly options for groups, such as metre pizzas and cocktail tanks, which are perfect for bigger events.Caroline Powell

5. Opt for Extra On-site Services

Some venues make it easier to handle any event. Amy advises customers to discuss all services and items included in the private hire before finalising their selection. 

Consider venues that offer DJ equipment for free or TV screens to avoid the need to hire additional audio/video equipment. 

6. Communication and Coordination

What makes an event successful? Clear communication and great coordination. 

You could have the perfect venue, but your event might flop if you don’t communicate your needs to the manager and staff. Our venue experts have compiled the key questions and topics to discuss with venue managers before booking.

Talk About Your Budget

Caroline advises being upfront about your budget and working with the venue to tailor your event. 

Ask for Discounts

Amy says “negotiating for discounts, especially for private hires is a must.” Sophie mentions that most bars in London offer some incentive for private hire, especially if guests pay the whole bill upfront. She recommends asking about bulk preorder pricing and discounted rates for special cocktails.

Ask Detailed Questions

Consider what’s most important to you. Do you want to play your own music? Need a venue with outdoor space? Want to bring your own decorations? 

Sophie and Amy highlight how vital it is for customers to ask detailed questions about what the venue provides, including tech equipment, catering, decorations, and other services.

Compare the venue facilities and amenities to your event needs. Knowing these details upfront helps avoid unexpected expenses and makes it easier to pick the right bar.

💡 Tagvenue has filters for you to compare bars and find what suits you best.

7. Talk to the Venue’s Event Planning Team

The bar staff’s expertise can help streamline your event planning so everything runs smoothly. Caroline highlights the value of consulting venue managers for event flow and setup ideas. In short, work with experienced staff.

8. Opt for Minimum Spend

Sophie also adds that day hire often comes with a much lower minimum spend than night hire.

Amy’s expert tip would be to go for venues with a minimum spend instead of a flat hire fee. This way, you can enjoy your event without worrying about extra costs.

Knowing the venue’s maximum capacity and inviting more guests makes it easier to hit the minimum spend.

💁🏽‍♀️ Expert Tip: Keep tabs on your total spend with the bar manager throughout the night. If you’re falling short, order more food and drinks rather than losing your deposit.Amy van Niekerk


Ask, and you shall receive! Getting a great deal is all about chatting with the venue manager about what you need. 

Use our platform to compare, shortlist, and book easily. Our handy filters will have you browsing bar offers quicker than you can say “Fancy a pint?!”🍻

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How to Score the Best Deal at a London Bar: Insider Tips from Venue Managers