Why Tagvenue

It’s free

We don’t charge any booking or administration fees. We match the exact prices you pay when booking directly with a venue.

Easy to use

Find a venue you love and send an enquiry in a matter of minutes. Pick an event type, date and number of guests after which you can get in touch with the venue manager directly, ask questions, request their phone number, schedule a viewing and finally book and enjoy your amazing event.

Best venues in town

Our algorithms are top of the line and will suggest the best options for you. Our enquiries team is on the job and tracks all requests, so you can relax and wait for your speedy response.

Outstanding customer service

Need a fantastic venue? Look for spaces with the Supervenue badge. It guarantees impeccable customer service!

What people who booked with us say about Tagvenue

Jane Muller
An absolutely brilliant website - its my go to for all my company events! It's easy to use, full of interesting and unusual venues and reasonable prices too!
David Upcraft
A fantastic place to view all possible venues in one place, enquire directly with an excellent filter for preferred options. Recommended and similar venues option was fantastic.