
#41 of 679 Corporate Party venues in Los Angeles
#42 of 610 Engagement Party venues in Los Angeles
1850 North Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90027
Los Feliz, Los Angeles, CA

Spaces for hire at FRED62

Entire Venue
Whole venue
50 seats
40 standing
After you've decided what you'd like to eat, sit back, relax and take in our fabulously funky retro-diner interior.. The vibe is pretty laid-back, and we have an amazing mix of guests. On any given day, you'll see hipsters next to grandmas, Hollywood moguls to monks; even a movie star or two! Snag a booth or a spot at the counter for indoor dining....

Wi-Fi available
Conference call facilities
Air conditioner

Explore other spaces in the area

1850 North Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90027
Public transportation
Public transportation
  • Subway Vermont / Sunset 0.4 mi
  • Subway Vermont/Santa Monica 1 mi
  • Subway Hollywood/Western 1 mi
  • Bus Vermont & Fountain Ave. 0.6 mi
  • Bus Vermont / Fountain 0.6 mi
  • Parking 4641 Russell Ave Parking - 4641 Russell Ave, Los Angeles 0.1 mi
  • Parking 1829-1847 N Vermont Ave Parking - 1829-1847 N Vermont Ave, Los Angeles 0.1 mi

Prices and opening hours

8:00 am – 1:00 am
from $4000 min. spend
Entire Venue
8:00 am – 1:00 am
from $4000 min. spend
7:30 am – 1:00 am
from $4000 min. spend
Entire Venue
7:30 am – 1:00 am
from $4000 min. spend
7:30 am – 1:00 am
from $4000 min. spend
Entire Venue
7:30 am – 1:00 am
from $4000 min. spend
7:30 am – 1:00 am
from $4000 min. spend
Entire Venue
7:30 am – 1:00 am
from $4000 min. spend
7:30 am – 1:00 am
from $4000 min. spend
Entire Venue
7:30 am – 1:00 am
from $4000 min. spend
7:30 am – 3:00 am
from $4000 min. spend
Entire Venue
7:30 am – 3:00 am
from $4000 min. spend
7:30 am – 3:00 am
from $4000 min. spend
Entire Venue
7:30 am – 3:00 am
from $4000 min. spend

Facilities and catering options

Up to 40
Up to 50
In-house catering
Parking available
Alcohol provided
External catering allowed
Accommodation available
Promoted / ticketed events
BYO alcohol

About FRED62

We're celebrating 25 years of relationships with our stayed-with-us-through-thick-and-thin customers, for your love and unwavering support. We're honoring the passion and dedication of our phenomenal staff (many have been with us since day one!). We're commemorating 25 years of partnerships with our suppliers, both local and long-distance.

Celebrating 25 years being part of the amazing Los Feliz community, sharing its triumphs and trials, happily serving each day, rain or shine.
Here's to the next 25, or in the words of Buzz Lightyear, "To Infinity, and Beyond!" We'll be here, doing what we love best -- serving YOU -- long after flying cars finally become a thing. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Now let's EAT! -- FE


At FRED62, the following catering options are available:

  • In-house catering service is available
  • Free on-street parking is available
  • Paid parking facilities are available nearby

FRED62 is located at 1850 North Vermont Avenue, in the Los Feliz, Los Angeles, CA district of Los Angeles.